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CAS (Chemical Abstract Services) Pilot Programme for 92 days

CAS SciFinder Discovery PlatformTM, the most comprehensive scientific search engine available to the academic research community is pleased to offer its pilot program to NED University of Engineering & Technology for 92 days till 1st November 2024.

You are required to register yourself before you can start using the three platforms available which are:

More information and trainings about the platforms are available through the following link CAS SciFinder Pilot Program
Published on 01/08/2024 • Show all news
Log in to your account: Log in with Google

If you do not have a Google account, but do have a local account, you can still log in:

Why Log in? To make use of personalized services like Online Renewal of Books, etc

"Login with Google"
is the preferred Method and ANY
Library member with NED Cloud Account may use this Option.
Can't Log in? Please send an email to naveen@cloud.neduet.edu.pk with your Cloud Email Address and Potrtal ID (for Students) / Pers No (Faculty or Employees) for registration. 

"Local Log in Facility" is optionally available for non student members who do not have a NED Cloud Account. Kindly contact Circulation Desk (Ext 2256) in this regard.


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