Lolli, Francesca Rios, Renee T. Schoenrock, Katelynn Grubert, Emily Kurtis, Kimberly E.

Policy-Making Framework for Performance-Based Concrete Specifications - 41-52 p.

The use of performance-based specifications (PBS) may increase quality and sustainability while lowering project costs through innovations in concrete materials selection and proportioning. A preliminary survey was conducted showing that barriers to implementation for PBS still exist, the main barrier being the enforcement of the specification, followed by cost and time. This study aims to develop guidelines to overcome the identified barriers by presenting a laboratory-scale case study of six concrete mixtures that both conform (one) and do not conform (five) to Georgia Department of Transportation specifications. This case study includes experimental results of mechanical (flexural and compressive strength) and resistivity performance properties, as well as three additional parameters: time, cost, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with each mixture design. This study showed that innovation in material use and mixture design can increase durability and performance while reducing the overall project cost and environmental impact.


Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions
Performance-Based Specification (PBS)
Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs)
Surface Resistivity