Elasto-damage Model for High Strength Concrete Subjected to Multiaxial Loading

A.R. Khan A.H. Al-Gadhib M.H. Baluch

Elasto-damage Model for High Strength Concrete Subjected to Multiaxial Loading - 361-398 p.

An effective compliance matrix Č is proposed to model the behavior of concrete based on phenomenological evidence and physical insight. Three parameters α, β, and γ are introduced in the effective compliance matrix Č. α and β are introduced to model the different behavior of concrete in tension and compression, while the third parameter γ is introduced to account for volumetric change. The predictive capability of the proposed elasto-damage model for uniaxial and multiaxial stress paths is investigated for uniaxial compression, biaxial compression, triaxial compression, uniaxial tension, and tension—compression— compression. The simulative capability of the model to capture the phenomenological behavior of concrete such as strain softening, stiffness degradation, biaxial strength envelope, volumetric dilatation, different behavior in tension and compression, and gain in strength under increasing confinement is reflected. The predicted results correlate well with the available experimental data.


High Strength
Multiaxial Loading
Strain Softening
Stiffness Degradation
Biaxial Strength Envelope
Volumetric Dilatation
Damage Accumulation