Gas-Solid Heat Exchange in a Fibrous Metallic Material Measured by a Heat Regenerator Technique

Golombok, M. Jariwala, H. Shirvill, L.C.

Gas-Solid Heat Exchange in a Fibrous Metallic Material Measured by a Heat Regenerator Technique - 243-253 p.

The convective heat transfer properties of a porous metallic fibre material used in gas surface combustion burners are studied. The important parameter governing the heat transfer between hot gas and metal fibre—the heat transfer coefficient—is measured using a non-steady-state method based on cyclic counterflow heat regenerator theory. The factors controlling the ranges of experimental conditions that can be used are studied. A correlation between gas flow rate and heat transfer is obtained for laminar flows, showing a rapid increase in heat transfer coefficient with increasing gas flow. The heat transfer coefficient is significantly lower than previously assumed.


Gas-Solid Heat Exchange
Fibrous Metallic Material Measured
Heat Regenerator Technique
Convective Heat Transfer Properties