Highly Conductive, Stretchable and Biocompatible Ag-Au Core-Sheath Nanowire Composite for Wearable and Implantable Bioelectronics
Choi, Suji Han, Sang Ihn Jung, Dongjun Hwang, Hye Jin
Highly Conductive, Stretchable and Biocompatible Ag-Au Core-Sheath Nanowire Composite for Wearable and Implantable Bioelectronics - 1048-1056 p.
Biocompatible Materials
Ag-Au Nanocomposites Composed
Ultralong Gold-Coated Silver Nanovires
Highly Conductive, Stretchable and Biocompatible Ag-Au Core-Sheath Nanowire Composite for Wearable and Implantable Bioelectronics - 1048-1056 p.
Biocompatible Materials
Ag-Au Nanocomposites Composed
Ultralong Gold-Coated Silver Nanovires