Environmental Engineering Fundamentals Sustainability Design

Mihelcic, James R.

Environmental Engineering Fundamentals Sustainability Design - 3rd - Hoboken, Nj : Wiley, ©2021 - XXIII, 703 p. ill :

Includes Bibliographical References and Index


Revised and updated references, data, and examples throughout
New and expanded chapter problems and exercises
Additional subsets of instructor-only problems and materials for laboratory exercises
Additional show/hide problems and solutions in the enhanced ePub edition of the text
Updated problems reflecting current Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exams


Focuses on modern sustainable design concepts, processes, and practices
Applies foundational principles of physics, chemistry, biology, and sustainability to creating solutions for managing and mitigating environmental problems
Places emphasis on global issues such as pollution prevention and resource recovery
Explains energy and mass balance concepts using numerous clear and engaging example problems
Provides a coherent and unified approach to life cycle assessment and thinking development
Features effective pedagogical tools, including numerical assessment and design problems, research activities, discussion topics, and extensive online learning resources
Includes extensive teaching materials for instructors, such as active learning exercises, homework assignments, classroom activities, and a solutions manual


Environmental Engineering
Sustainable Engineering
Sustainable Design

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