HPC Big Data and AI Convergence Towards Exascale Challenge and Vision

Terzo, Olivier

HPC Big Data and AI Convergence Towards Exascale Challenge and Vision - 1st - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, ©2022 - XXVII, 293 p. : ill


Olivier Terzo is currently the Head of the ACA Advance Computing and Applications Research Area with a staff of 16 Reseaerchers at the LINKS Foundation Research Center (Italy). Jan Martinovic is currently the Head of the Advanced Data Analysis and Simulations Lab at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center.

Includes Bibliographical References and Index

HPC, Big Data, AI Convergence Towards Exascale provides an updated vision on the most advanced computing, storage, and interconnection technologies, that are at basis of convergence among the HPC, Cloud, Big Data, and artificial intelligence (AI) domains. Through the presentation of the solutions devised within recently founded H2020 European projects, this book provides an insight on challenges faced by integrating such technologies and in achieving performance and energy efficiency targets towards the exascale level. Emphasis is given to innovative ways of provisioning and managing resources, as well as monitoring their usage. Industrial and scientific use cases give to the reader practical examples of the needs for a cross-domain convergence.


All the chapters in this book pave the road to new generation of technologies, support their development and, in addition, verify them on real-world problems. The readers will find this book useful because it provides an overview of currently available technologies that fit with the concept of unified Cloud-HPC-Big Data-AI applications and presents examples of their actual use in scientific and industrial applications.


Exascale Computing
Big Data
Artificial Intelligence

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